When is the best time for you to attend networking meetings?


We spend a lot of time scheduling events, gatherings and meetings. We do most of it in a vacuum.  And you know what vacuums do...

Please, either post it here or e-mail privately, but answer:

When is the best time for you to attend meetings?



52 Replies


We got great responce with people joining the group. unfotunatly Linkedin just updated the group page, and group manager page, and I am unable to except anyone into the group. So myemails are piling up faster thatn I can deal with them ( since I cant deal with them). So please know that I will do my best to resolve this quickly.


Ben Rosnezweig

Hey Terry- as the sole owner of my business, I can get to a morning thing by 8am, but it has to really PULL me in. But 8-9am is good for the beginning of the day for me.   Hate after work stuff- my brain is mostly fried by then- Lunch time is OK, but I really have to plan- and then sometimes I just can't get there even when I want to because something else has blown up. Not much of an answer- I just guard my time to stay focused.


You may have wondered why you haven't seen me in a while.

Yes... I really do like you and eveyone else with MCC. However, lunch is tough at times while mornings usually work better.



Because I do a lot of marketing and sales work, I will go to a good networking meeting at just about any time. If I have to go to a morning meeting, however, I will be drinking more coffee than anyone else! (I'm more of night person).  If they had a 10 pm networking group, I'd probably be the first to sign up for it. Debby Ball

Very early in the morning, 6:30 am to 8:30 am is also an option. This is a great way to jump start your

day and kick your brain in gear. Evenings between 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm is also good, I'm trying to be

flexible. In my first response I stretched the evening to 10:00 pm, not a great idea.

The evening is best...after 6 pm, M-F.

I would defintiely have to say early mornings....start the day with lots of great energy.

Displaying items 46-52 of 52 in total
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