When is the best time for you to attend networking meetings?


We spend a lot of time scheduling events, gatherings and meetings. We do most of it in a vacuum.  And you know what vacuums do...

Please, either post it here or e-mail privately, but answer:

When is the best time for you to attend meetings?



52 Replies

Lunch and/or evenings are best.   I cannot meet Tuesday evenings.


Usually late morning 10ish or about 6 or 7 in the evening depending on the day.

After 5pm

Like you Terry, I work best late at night but it's not practical. LOL.  However, if there were any web based tele-seminars, I'd say after 9pm. 

Having little kids and a wife who's done working by 3:30pm, I try to shut down business by 6:00-6:30pm.  I'm not productive business wise before 10am. 

As long as the event is posted with enough notice Mon-Thursday b/w 10am and 6pm, I will carve out time and plan accordingly.

I agree with Lin. Being self-employed, I don't want to miss my $ earning hours during the day and most of the events are further than a few minutes so I lose the meeting & travel time out of my day.  Therefore, I prefer evenings, but only if I don't have a deadline... so I'll likely decide if I can attend last minute.  Evenings also affect family time (although lately its been additional work time instead!) so I would probably only make 1 session a month.  Summer was completely out for me. I would prefer to attend the networking events that are planned around a social activity rather than just drinking and eating.  Do I sound like a PITA or what?  Wink

I am glad that this has gotten a good chunk of response. We are still not statistically reliable, but getting closer.

Pat, any suggestions on ideas other than drinking and eating? Anyone else have any? I think we did Bocce Ball once. That was fun! Did we want to do a golf outing? Frankly, my game has gotten so bad that I stopped pushing for it LOL.


I prefer 7-9 a.m., but the lunch meetings are great as well.


I thought the bocce ball idea was great and would like to attend in the future.  I also would like to help with the next blight busters event - are teenage kids welcome to assist?  Eating & drinking is fine but how about adding in darts, shuffleboard, anything that is fun and allows talk time?  As you can probably tell...*ahem*.... I don't get out much so tying in a social activity & talk is a winner for me. I spend most of my days on my butt in front of the computer so anything that doesn't involve mandatory sitting gets my vote.

Disclaimer: I do not claim to be exceptional at any of the above activities so if you are competitive, you may NOT want to pick me for your team.  Terry maybe we could have an "I suck at golf but am playing anyway" outing! Wink  I'm not sure I could find my mismatched pitiful clubs under the accumulated dust.

Terry, mornings or lunch is best for me.  I try to reserve evenings for home and family.


I'm a fictional character before 10am (feel free to add your "still a character after 10am" comments). I like lunch meetings and 4pm-6pm meeting for mixing business and pleasure. 

It depends on the type of people in the mix of the event.  I like both the midday lunches (11-2)and the early evening mixers(5-8). 

As far as an outing what about a stick shindig, as in billiards?  Any large pool hall has a variety of tables, darts, dancing and drinks. 

That pesky 9-5 comes first, so evenings (7 PM EST onwards) are ideal for me.

Covering multiple counties in SE MI and a varied schedule, week to week, a combination of meeting opportunities including lunches and evening events works for me. If the sun, moon, planets and stars align perfectly on the right day, I can make a meeting on certain occassions. Rick Reid 

6:30 to 10:00 during the week

Just for refrence sake, online networking is not time bound.

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