MCC Members Under 30


I've come to realize generational differences between myself and the average MCCer. For example, I'm a business social media guru often speaking with someone who's "kid uses that stuff." While I can't summit an entire breakdown to highlight the value on a person-by-person basis, I wouldn't mind hosting an event to help our over 30 MCCers out.

My point: The under 30 MCC crowd has a lot to offer. I'm spearheading an intiative to group this crowd and start making things happen.

Please post your info (see below) if you'd like to join.

(Hello, I'm...)
Name, Title
Preferred email

Shauna Nicholson, Marketing Manager at Biznet
social media, marketing, content management

50 Replies



The timing of this post is great, because Friday I was giving a presentation to my region on my plans for 2009 and one of my personal initiatives is to use my youth as a sales tool versus shying away from it. It sparked quite a conversation with my colleagues as to what it meant to be a millenial and how it had impacted my development and perspective.

As a millenial, I've grown up with access to different tools, a different education, and a different perspective on the world and how technology fits into it. I want to share these views with businesspeople in the area and help them realize the advantages technology can afford them in their personal and professional lives.

In my current role, I am retained by clients to help identify efficiency-enabling technologies and to aid in the implementation of said technologies. I would love to be involved with this group/initiative.

Please let me know what I can do to help in your efforts! This is VERY exciting stuff!


Brennon Huffman

Advanced Technology Advisor

Strategic Products & Services


Hans Hegge

Text Ripple Inc,

Mobile Marketing, Lead Generation, Mobile Coupons. or 877-974-7753 ext 14 or text me at 248-854-7688.

I would like to join as well.






Hey MCC I shared this with the group last week, but I wanted to add something to the mix.

This New Years Eve the place to be is at the party. It's a private party I am hosting so we are not bound by time restrictions. This party is going until you can't dance anymore. 

$30 cover includes:  light food and drink, open bar and lots of music.
You must be on the guest list and prepaid to get in. We are not taking money at the door.  

(What I am adding is) when you go to the website to pay. If you put in the promotional code MCCunder30 you will save $5 so the ticket price is only $25...

Doors at 8 pm.
Brando and Friends opening at 9pm.
Brandon Creasman is well known as a guitar and string virtuoso, who cut his teeth in Detroit Music Scene the critically acclaimed Electric Magi.   His current band Brando and Friends plays all things Jerry Garcia, Allman Brothers, and Led Zeppelin mixed with the unique sound of Motown.

FlopHouse hits the stage at 10:15pm.
Flophouse is the true embodiment of the Detroit  Funk Soul sound. These boys hail from the blue collar roots of the downriver area.  When they hit the stage, they hit it hard.

Covert Operations at the stroke of Midnight.
These guys have been kicking it around the scene for years . They have toured nationally and have been featured at some of the bigger Midwest summer festivals such as Hookahville, 10K Lakes and many of big festivals at Nelson Ledges.  The sound of Covert Ops is contagious.  They take a simple jam and just build layers and layers.  Let's not forget that they can play until the sun comes up.

The party will be held at Magnetic Recordings (formerly RKS)
17 West Lawrence Street Pontiac Michigan 48342 

We will be giving $3 from every ticket sold to:
HOPE Hospitality & Warming Center a non profit in Pontiac. Also we will be doing a drive so bring: men's socks, men's underwear, extra hygiene products or a few bucks to donate.

Food is being sponsored by Zumba Mexican Grill in Royal Oak.
This event is hosted by WhyYouJam and Now More Than Ever Productions. Check out NMTEP at


Feel free to call me if you have any questions.

Ben Rosenzweig

I just wanted to let everybody know that we started a group on Facebook.  Everybody should come and join!

This group is really starting to take off thanks to your help! You guys are awesome. Check out the MCC Millenials Networking video made by Henry Balanon, Bobby Mercader, Hubert Sawyers, and I. (Charlie & Terry, you'd be so proud!)

It's about 10 minutes, but insightful & amusing.

Displaying items 46-50 of 50 in total
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