MCC Bookshelf


Consider your reading list full. Here's a list of recommended business books from members at Motor City Connect.

The Four Agreements - Don Miguel Ruiz

Love is the Killer App - Tim Sanders

In Search of Excellence - Tom Peters

Good to Great - Jim Collins

Built to Last - Jim Collins

Disney War - James B. Stewart

The Slight Edge: Secret to a Successful Life - Jeff Olson

Heroic Leadership: Best Practices from a 450-Year-Old Company That Changed the World  - Chris Lowne

The Millionaire Mind - Thomas J. Stanley

The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of The Learning Organization - Peter M. Seng

The World Is Flat - Thomas L. Friedman

Radical Leap - Steven Farber

Radical Edge - Steven Farber

A New Earth - Eckhardt Tolle

Profiles in Courage - Kennedy

Go Giver - Bob Burg

Endless Referrals - Bob Burg

Who Moved My Cheese

High Trust Selling

Art of The Start

Rich Dad Poor Dad

A is for Attitude

Closing the Sale - Zig Zigler

Facereading by Lin

Unique Ability

It's Not Luck

The Goal - Eliyahu Goldratt(the Theory of Constraints)

The Fred Factor: How passion in your work and life can turn the ordinary into the extraordinary - Mark Sanborn

Go Getter

The Millionaire Next Door

The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership - John C. Maxwell

Virtual Handshake

First Break all the Rules

Now Discover Your Strength

Toward a Meaningful Life

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff

Moonlighting on the Internet

Today is the Day

Green Eggs & Ham

On Writing - Stephen King

Think & Grow Rich

The Keys to Success

The Jeffrey Gitomer Series

Success is a Choice


70 Replies

I've been through three copies of this book: "Coach Yourself to Success" by Talane Meidenar (I may have misspelled her last name). This book was life-changing for me.

Is there a way we set up a wiki so everyone can add to it instead of reading it in post format?

There is a site that provides free wikis  That might be the best anwer yet.

I mentioned this earlier, but I would like to reiterate how great of a book "The Answer" by John Assaraf and Murray Smith is.  I believe about 15 people ordered it when those two spoke at our first Business Attraction Series back in April.

I have been reading it and what amazes me is the depth that John gos into in discussing how our mind works while making it very clear for most all of us.  I have yet to finish it, but I can assure that the second half, the part that applies Universal Laws and "Right Thinking" to business, will be every bit as good.

If you have the book, read it.  If you don't, beg, borrow or buy it ASAP.  You will not be disappointed.



Yea Dana.  Some classics from the 90's might help with the authenticity interests:  Peter Block has some good stuff in that department, The Empowered Manager, the Flawless Consulting Fieldbook.

The Answer to How Is Yes: Acting On What Matters.

I'm happy just to have the email and the book lists as they are --though the AAfilliate link seems most worthy as a cause. 

Thanks for the start-up in A2 town!  I appreciate the organizing work that got us together and hope we can continue to grow in helpful, new connections and collectively share in organizing future meetings.


PS - Dana, Cat in the Hat is a fave, and so is "Where the Wild Things Are."

Here are my offerings:

The Corporate Mystic by Gay Hendricks

The 11th Element by Robert Sheinfeld

Deep Economy by Bill McKibben

Interesting Ken.  You recommended a book that would be great for all of those involved in marketing.  I have learned from T. Harv Eker that if you own a business you are in the marketing business.  No matter what the product or service is.  You have to be a great marketer otherwise no one will buy your product or service.  I also recommend very highly Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker.  Love to talk with those that have experienced this book and MMI. 

Natalie likes the book "Oh the places you'll go" by Dr. Seuss.

"Writing Down The Bones" and "Old Friend From Far Away' - both by Natalie Goldberg. They read like a hot knife through butter, but if you want to take your communications skills to another level, these are the books with which to work.

Charlie I agree with Natalie.  Oh the places you will go is great by Dr Seuss.  Love reading it to my daughters .... positive input.

"On Beyond Zebra" was my favorite!

Maybe we could have a MCC "book trade" day at one of the lunches.  This would be a good way to reduce, re-use, and recycle!



Great Idea, Jennifer!  Or a "discussion" section where people can share titles they are willing to part with or titles they want to borrow.

Hey.  Love the suggestion.  Does anyone have the Go-giver? 


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