Supporting One of Our Own


You didn't see me around Blood, Sweat and Gear last week because I was contributing back to Detroit on a much more personal level. 

Many of you know Linda Anger, one of the founding members of MCC, a member of our board, a leader of lunches, and an all-around huge supporter of MCC and of each of us.

Linda was recently diagnosed with cancer, and was in the hospital having major surgery.  She will now need chemotherapy. 

Through this whole process, Linda has been the Linda we know and love: full of possibility, finding the best, reaching out and connecting with everyone around her, being doggedly persistent in having things turn out the best way possible, and being grateful for the love and support her community has given her. 

However, Linda has not one major hurdle to get over (the cancer), but two.  She doesn't have health insurance.  And through this entire process, that has given her more sleepless nights than the medical issues she's facing. 

Linda has given so many of us so much.  Now it's time that we can give back to her.  There is a small group of us who are planning some fundraisers to help her defray the costs of her surgery, doctor's fees, and chemotherapy.  As soon as we have dates and events, we will be sure to post them here.  We're going to do several different kinds of events, on several different days, so as many people as possible can participate.  (Of course, being us, there will be a networking component to everything!)  And if you aren't able to attend an event but want to contribute anyway, we will set up a way to do that, as well.

This is an opportunity to give back to an important member of our community - one who has given so much to so many of us.  Stay tuned for more details.

61 Replies

Thank you Linda,

I will absolutely contact Angels4People. I have been thinking and thinking about what I could do to help many ideas and volunteers. It is wonderful! I didn't know exactly where to begin, but I knew if I posted this, I would get the answer. Little did I know I would get it from you!!

You are in my prayers for a speedy recovery and a soon return to networking!

Sincerely, Georgette


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