Seven things you didn't know about me


There's a fun meme (latest craze) running around the internet called "Seven things you didn't know about me". Thought it might be a fun diversion here at MCC to help up get to know each other better.

Type your list. Click some photos. Or shoot a video. It doesn't matter how you play the game -- just that you play.

You can read Shannon Paul's post or Ken Burbury's post for inspiration.

79 Replies

Wow... i just got done reading a few of the topics... pretty amazing things... i am going to really try and keep this thread alive...

1. I am an Eagle Scout

2.  I was born with two tumors on my head (non cancer)  and they looked like little horns.

3.  I was a preschool teacher for 10 years and wrote curriculums for a Day Care Franchise out of Denver.

4.  I have been a  certified Massage Therapist- I took a course in it when my mother (struggling from Multiple Sclerosis) got severe muscle pain.

5  Had my own record company at 18- My biggest band ended up signing to RCA for some nice cash.



Well, I'm realizing that I'm not all that interesting but
here are a few things:

1. I met Vanilla Ice on a flight from West Palm Beach,
Florida to Detroit earlier this year.  I
have a picture of him on my iPhone.  I
found out later that he was en route to the UK, where he appeared on their version
of American Idol.

2. I once shook hands with a man who was, at the time, in
the top 80 on the Forbes list of wealthiest Americans.

3. I am married to a girl I dated for 5 years through my
late teens and early twenties, but with whom I barely spoke for about 5 years
during my mid to late twenties.

4. If I'm driving down the road and nobody else is in the car,
I will turn up any cheesy 80's song that comes on the radio.

5. The only thing that kept me from a career in the NBA is
my lack of skill...and that hammy I pulled when I was 12.

6. I have a fish tank in my office that hasn't had an aquatic
resident in nearly six months.

7. No matter what I'm doing when you read this, I would
rather be camping somewhere near a nice bass lake.

  1. Lived in Costa Rica for 7 years, provided chiropractic for the people and was blessed with running the largest upper cervical clinic in the world there.

  2. Co-authored chiropractic legislation for the protection of the Costa Rican people, presenting before congress on its behalf.

  3. Teaches the specialized form of chiropractic performed in our clinic to students and doctors from around the world.

  4. Original New Yorker, and still hard to get the New York out of me

  5. Lapsed practitioner of the Chinese martial arts called Hung Ga kung fu and still an avid fan of martial arts

  6. Love the Discovery, Cooking and "Real Life" channels when watching TV, but prefer to read inspirational or business-related books.

  7. i live by the following...Rule #9: Don't take yourself too damned seriously!

Displaying items 76-79 of 79 in total
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