I'm Sorry...Please forgive me.


You know how sometimes you get mad at your best friend, relative or other people who are important in your life? If you're like people I know, you avoid their calls, don't go places they're likely to be and just generally avoid them for a bit. And as you're doing that you sit there frustrated and thinking about them. Invariably you think about the good times and the bad. Eventually you come to the conclusion that your life is better with them than without and you go back to life as normal.

That's kind of how I feel about Motor City Connect.

When I started this group back in 2006 I did so for one very simple reason: It needed to be done. Detroit and the surrounding area was NOT getting any love whatsoever. And if the people here didn't find a way to get more connected and do better together, things were not going to turn out well. 

Motor City Connect has always done its best to shine the light on good people and good things going on in our community. We stayed vigilant that our best days are ahead. Try peddling that idea in 2008/2009. It wasn't always fun, but it was well received. 

The downside was that while all of this time, energy and love were being poured out, what was returning wasn't even close to on par. They say "Value leads and money follows". I was certain that value was being added and had VERY little proof of the money following thing. So I'd get mad. And like most people I know, I'd clam up a bit. I was inconsistent. Hot and cold. On and of, oh wait...you get the idea.

For that I'm sorry. For the fact that I wanted to end this group's existence back in September 2011 I'm sorry. Heck there's a part of me that is sorry that I haven't ended it since. Trust me, there's a bigger part of me that's glad I didn't. 

I tell you this to let you know that I still have plenty of vision AND Love for this group. It would be great if there were a few of you interested in moving MCC forward. It's less fun to do it alone. Anyone want to join me? It can be a lot of fun.

If you made it this far, I thank you. I appreciate your time and look forward to being of service to you in the future.

All my best-

Terry Bean



5 Replies

Beverly Thomas forgives you. Events are duly noted and often the timing is off. You keep plugging away Terry Bean. I'm looking for the next opportunity to join you.

Seacret Agent

Well thank you Beverly. That's very kind. I'll look forward to seeing you when I do.

HI Terry,

It's a hard thing to balance the need to make money and doing something because it's fun and brings you (some/any) joy. I faced that issue too, felt a bit of loss from the "way things were" in the good old days of 2008-2010. Since letting that go I've been able to focus on more development in the business world to some pretty staggering (and fun and profitable!) results. Sometimes we have to let go of the old, to make room for the new.

That being said, we still have an InSights/Pool Guy mastermind group that meets here in Brighton weekly, and a weekly Marketing Group that we are making huge strides in. Both are invitation only, and open to suggestions (feel free to nominate someone you think may fit)...

I tend to stay on this side of town these days, have learned to say yes only to the things that bring me great joy and value. May you find the same balance ;o)

Hugs to you,


I need to make a trip out that way cuz I need the Maki hug. It's been tooooo long. It's weird, in a lot of ways it feels like time kind of stopped at some point in late 2008 and was a blur until I woke up again late last year. I've seen pictures on Facebook, so I know I did some stuff. How much of your time is pool related these days?

Thanks reaching out and saying hello ;-)


There is NOTHING to forgive you for!  I don't see anyone else in the Detroit area doing something like this (or like 313DLove)!

I, for one (and there are many others), appreciate your vision, organization, and tenacity in developing MCC into, I believe, the largest networking group in the Detroit Metro area! Kudos!  I'm glad you didn't end it!

Mark Besh
Visual IMPACT!


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