5 Quick Thoughts on Thinking
I just sent this blast:
With 2012 right around the corner we are all busy planning on having our best year yet. Here's the Secret (click that link if you would like to see 83 inspiring messages from that movie/book) that some of you already know, your best everything begin between your ears. Productive and positive thoughts produce positive results.
I share the following with you all today because I was thinking about your lunch plans. So many of us are quasi-working this week. Today is a perfect day to get ready for next year by meeting new people, thinking new thoughts and contemplating our 2012 goals. At MCC Live today at 11:30 in Royal Oak we will be talking about achieving more. Perhaps you will join us??
1. Your thoughts are energy and have magnetic resonance. As energy they are free to roam outside of the confines of your skull. With magnetic resonance they attract that which matches their frequency.
This means good thoughts bring good things. You can figure out what bad thoughts bring.
2. No matter what your thought patterns have been up until this very moment, you can change them. You are today what you have thought about most frequently until now. Change your thoughts now and you will change yourself for future nows.
3. Thoughts lead to words which lead to actions which lead to results. Be mindful of this process. A better beginning leads to better results.
4. It takes roughly 28 days to create a new habit. Use the time between now and Valentines Day (I'm giving you extra time to complete the assignment) to become fully aware of your thoughts. Make sure your thoughts are worthy of your best you. When you find that they aren't, change them in that moment. The more you do this, the easier it becomes. The easier it becomes, the more you will do it. You're gonna like the results, I guarantee it ;-)
5. Go to TUT.com and sign up for their daily "Totally Unique Thoughts" aka notes from the Universe. Monday-Friday you will receive inspiring and interesting notes for you to ponder. They will make you think, smile and experience a sense of connectedness.
What do you think? Was this post worthy of your thoughts?
Be connected-
Terry Bean
PS, be sure to check out MCC+ where we will contemplating LOTS of big ideas on how to improve our lives, our businesses and each other.
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Thank you Terry for thinking f us during this busy time!
thoughts held in mind produce after their kind
---the law of mind action
Nice reminder, Terry!
I think back to when MCC began, and we were just a dozen people connected as a yahoo group. How we have grown and evolved is a testament to the strength of your intention all those years ago!
I am proud to say I was one of the "early adapters," newly encouraged by the birth of MCC+, and looking forward to being a participant in what comes next.
Happy New Year, Happy New Beginnings - and as Mike Dooley says on TUT and in his recordings:
"Thoughts Become Things - Choose the Good Ones!"
Linda Anger
The Write Concept, Inc.