I've been thinking about you...


And by you I mean the people with whom we are connected with here who enjoy business and love the Motor City!

I've long held the desire to help others. While I'm not sure where I got it, I can assure you that I believe at the core of my being that it is what we as humans are destined to do. Now I know there is LOTS of proof otherwise and I believe that is because our media is misguided. 

We've been programmed for too long to think the worst about one another. When in reality we are just rarely shown in mass the good that we each achieve daily. Can you imagine how low the news ratings would be if they said "Tonight at 6- Man saves kitty from tree. Neighbor helps another neighbor fix their roof. The leaves are changing colors so get out those rakes. The sun will shine and we'll have the rundown on tomorrow's Tigers game". We'd be like those were the same headlines as yesterday. And last week. And last month! Yawn. Boring!! 

The question is, can't there be some happy medium? I mean seriously, think about it. For every 20 people you know (disclaimer I just totally pulled this # out of thin air and it sounds good) there is 1 who is shifty (note if your #s are different than this...time to find new associates). They are the ones likely to do bad things. Or maybe every one of the 19 have done a bad thing or two but it's just not standard operating procedure for them.

Let's start focusing and really celebrating the good that people do. 

Here's the bonus, when we do this, guess what we will start to notice with great frequency? That's right! The good that people do. And when you start to pay attention to it, you feed it with positive energy. And what you feed with positive energy grows. And it can grow until it consumes us all.

And when we're consumed with this positive energy and surrounded by goodness we will be in an absolute hurry to help one another. And once that happens all of your (read all of OUR) wildest dreams will be achieved. Because your wildest dreams differ from mine and the person who is sitting closest to you right now. This means that there is plenty to go around.

We were meant to live an abundant life. There is plenty of time to do so. We need to get accustomed to sharing and experiencing good deeds with those around us. It starts with you telling us how we can help you. You have heard of "The ASK" by now. I have created a 7 page document that details it and is available for download on my website athttp://trybean.com. Go get it. Help us help you which will help us all!

What do you think of this post? 

What do you think of the way our media is run?

Do you agree that we are all better together?

Be connected-

Terry Bean

3 Replies

Terry, I really love all that you said and concur with your concepts.  I stopped watching television news back in the late 90's when the economy was fueled by the 'dot/com' economy.  The talking heads, all along, were forecasting gloom and doom... it can't last... Of course, it didn't.  But there were a few years that things were great.

I was a realtor at the time and noticed how people's buying habits were hugely influenced by it.  I'm not sure what the answer is.  Yes, wonderfulness could get a little boring.  What is the balance?  Is it possible to 'sell' that to the mass audience that watches the news.  Maybe it's like the people who go to a car race and get really excited when there's a crash!

Perhaps it will take people like you writing posts like this and more and more people understanding the importance of looking for the good stuff/stories in life.  In my blog, I write about some of these concepts as well.  There are many people who practice this, but obviously not the majority.

No answers here...  but enjoyed your post.

Jacquie Harkema

Thanks for sharing your thoughts Jacquie. i appreciate it and am inclined to agree with you as well. The car race analogy is one I use often. Interestingly there was a BIG wreck yesterday that costs someone their life. Hopefully less people are now looking forward to the next crash.

Have an excellent day!

Great post Terry. I couldn't agree more. I addition to disconnecting from news media years ago, (woot Jacquie!), I've started disconnecting to internet bullies & negative nellies on social media.

Your post reminds me of the law of attraction/attention. What we focus on and put "out there" is what we get more of. I for one, choose to make it good to the best of my abilities. And when I fall down, I'll pick myself up and move forward!



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