MCC Bookshelf


Consider your reading list full. Here's a list of recommended business books from members at Motor City Connect.

The Four Agreements - Don Miguel Ruiz

Love is the Killer App - Tim Sanders

In Search of Excellence - Tom Peters

Good to Great - Jim Collins

Built to Last - Jim Collins

Disney War - James B. Stewart

The Slight Edge: Secret to a Successful Life - Jeff Olson

Heroic Leadership: Best Practices from a 450-Year-Old Company That Changed the World  - Chris Lowne

The Millionaire Mind - Thomas J. Stanley

The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of The Learning Organization - Peter M. Seng

The World Is Flat - Thomas L. Friedman

Radical Leap - Steven Farber

Radical Edge - Steven Farber

A New Earth - Eckhardt Tolle

Profiles in Courage - Kennedy

Go Giver - Bob Burg

Endless Referrals - Bob Burg

Who Moved My Cheese

High Trust Selling

Art of The Start

Rich Dad Poor Dad

A is for Attitude

Closing the Sale - Zig Zigler

Facereading by Lin

Unique Ability

It's Not Luck

The Goal - Eliyahu Goldratt(the Theory of Constraints)

The Fred Factor: How passion in your work and life can turn the ordinary into the extraordinary - Mark Sanborn

Go Getter

The Millionaire Next Door

The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership - John C. Maxwell

Virtual Handshake

First Break all the Rules

Now Discover Your Strength

Toward a Meaningful Life

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff

Moonlighting on the Internet

Today is the Day

Green Eggs & Ham

On Writing - Stephen King

Think & Grow Rich

The Keys to Success

The Jeffrey Gitomer Series

Success is a Choice


70 Replies

That's not a bookshelf... that's a library! Cool

I have to strongly second the Jeffrey Gitomer series.  It's now on Amazon for $100, complete as a special.  Easy to read style... however, very kick-your-own-behind kind of material.

Here's one I listened to as an Audible audio book... I am a gold member  with Audible and find it very, very valuable.  It's called "The Now Habit" by Neil Fiore, PhD.  It's great for anyone who has had a shred of procrastination.  I know in that "get yourself moving" category "Eat that Frog" is quite popular, however, it wasn't truly helpful if you need more than just "DO IT!" to get you going.

Another one I'd add is "The Dip" by Seth Godin (again, an book... I find I can do so much more "reading" if I'm listening while I work).  Every successful project has a "dip"... a moment of truth where either it makes sense to power through as the rise is on the other side, or to decide, is the dip the end?

On the funny side, I'm a huge John Hodgeman fan (he's the P.C. on the Mac commercials, as well as on The Daily Show and featured in other places).  For a fun, albeit long listen/read (and this one is much better as an audio book as he reads it), I recommend "The Areas of My Expertise."  It is, in fact, a faux farmers' almanac that is very funny in a very dry, subtle kind of way.  If you like british comedy you'd probably like this.

"Love is the Killer App" seems very interesting... I'm going to have go check that out.

Thanks so much for keeping the list, Charlie!

I also recommend anything by the Sloan Brothers, founders of Start Up Nation. While much of their guidance is intended for new businesses, even the longest-term among us will find wisdom in their books and website.

Linda Angér, relentless reader

Books that have inspired me (and have helped)

Re-imagine!  - Tom Peters

Setting Goals - John Renesch (best book on goal setting - my opinion)

The Secret Handshake (Mastering The Politics Of The Business Inner Circle) - Kathleen Kelly Reardon (great for those of us "politically illiterate"

Professional Selling - Braden, Dodge, Fullerton, Kurtz (EMU Coursebook)

Persuasive Business Proposals: Writing to Win More Customers, Clients, and Contracts - Tom Sant

The One-Page Proposal: How to Get Your Business Pitch Onto One Persuasive Page - Patrick G. Riley

Some of you might be interested in LibraryThing.

It's a social network for books and people who like them.  It allows you to keep track of what you have read, what you want to read, tag the books and learn about what other people are reading who have similar intests.  You can even add your booklist to your blog.  Cool feature.


Here's a fun bookshelf of an internationally-beloved technology writer, Andy Inhatko.  Love the Flickr tagging with a little description...

Charlie et al -

Could we set up a section of MCC that lists all these great books?  I'd love to know what books we MCC'ers are recommending, and who's recommending them.  And have it set up so that when someone reads another great book, they can add it to the list?

This topic thread will always be available and can be updated at anytime.  Near as I can tell, you have your section on great books right here.

Dear All,

I too love book recommendations. Like Natalie, the concept of sharing an organized, easily accessible, maintainable, scalable, and searchable list of recommended books with members of MCC is appealing.

I think Ann Kucera's excellent recommendation to use would meet Natalie's  request. 

It could be a "plugin" or link on this page. I don't know CollectiveX but those in the know, might be able to implement it with minimum fuss.

I thank you in advance and look forward to contributing my reading lists.



I spoke with Charlie at last Tuesday's MCC Live! in Sterling Heights.  Being the "Internet Ignorati" (as opposed to "Illuminati") that I am, and thinking that I'm not the only one, my intention would be to have a very easily found and accessible place on our site to be able to go and quickly find fellow members' recommendations.  The best would be another area of the site (as in, a tab at the top of the page).  If not that, have this discussion be a thread in and of itself under the Discussions tab, rather than be one of the threads under the General Discussions thread.  (I don't know if I'm using the correct terms here, but I AM an Internet Ignorati...)  I'll forget exactly where this discussion is in three months.  And what about all the people that come into MCC after this thread is dormant?  They won't even know it's here. 

Charlie was great, and understood everything I said and where I was coming from.  He only had one comment:  "I DO have to run a business..."!  Charlie, thanks - both for listening to my idea, and for all of the many hours you've been putting in on this site.  You've done a magnificent job.

Sorry for the brief memo, but this popped in my head as I read this:

How about:

An Amazon Affiliate site link that puts $ (when members buy the book) towards a general MCC fund or charity and also acts as a bookshelf?

Thank you for taking the time to consider this perspective.

  1. I think that's a great idea. We are helping Children's Hospital-wouldn't that be a great way to help them! I know I buy lots of books through Amazon and I'd be glad to see us support our causes this way. Debby Ball

Terry - Thanks for the quick response!  I love that we all can find this quickly and easily. 

An idea for the Membership Committee (of which I am one, so I'll make sure we do this...) - let's be sure to include this in our New Member Information, so everyone will always know it is here.

I love George's idea about an Amazon Affiliate link, and Debra's suggestion that we use the funds collected through the Affiliate link to support Children's Hospital.

This would mean that Motor City Connect as an entity would have to set up an Affiliate account with Amazon. It is a simple process... Terry, let me know if you want to do this and I can set it up.


I don't read much these days, other than "Cat In the Hat", "Apple Tree Farm", and such. So maybe I missed something, but does it appear that most business books today are about technique? Ten Step This, Advantage That, Secret Stuff, and so on? What ever happened to books about developing character and leadership qualities? Marcus Buckingham's books (Go!, First Break All The Rules, etc.) are the closest thing I've seen to talking about personal responsibility and accountability.


I agree with you, Dana - so much about "doing" rather than "being." For me, authenticity is more important than technique.

I love "The Zen Commandments" (Ten suggestions for a life of inner freedom) by Dean Sluyter.

- Linda, being mindful

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