MCC Membership Committee


Hey Everyone,

I hope you are enjoying the new face of MCC. One of the wonderful thing about Collective X is all the great new functions that we never had with Yahoo.  A slight problem is the necessity to learn how to use collective x to its full capacity. I am looking for a few brave souls who want to join the membership committee. You will become "Collective X Power Users" and be promoted on the site as someone to contact if someone else has questions.

We will be holding informal training, and best practices, and writing a FAQ list for Collective X.

Here is a freebie, you no longer need a full signature, just put your name. As everyone sees who posted and can click on your name and see a lot more than just a signature.

Ben Rosenzweig

10 Replies

Hey Ben I thin k I can help you out, let me know the details of what you need to be done.

Jeff Polites

Sterling Office Systems


Keep me informed... I maybe able to sit in on a meeting ot two


Graphic Communications

If you still are looking for help, let me know what it will involve and what you need.  I have already invited 100 people to join, and had 4-5 sign on.

Curt MacRae


Hi Ben,

Thanks for the invite - I'm on board for the membership committee!

Rachel Williams

Hi Ben,

Let me know where I can help out.  I would like to be apart of either committee.


Graham Pocialik



Hey guys, Thanks for the interest. There are a few people who contacted me offline, who also would like to join.

I am setting the deadline for joining the committee for this Friday. (The day we go exclusively Collective X) So let me know if you're interested. One disclaimer, we hope to be as efficient as possible, so saying you are interested, doesn't make you responsible to do anything yet, nor does is grantee you will be on the committee, it is just a showing of interest.
I will let you know as things progress.


Ben Count me in ... I have been digging deep to some extent into collective X already...

Will be happy to help in any way I can


I'll throw my two cents and ring into the hat for this committee.  Keep me posted.

Thank you,

David Benjamin


I am in let me know when and where.


Love the new platform! It would be an honor to help others understand how to use this tool to build relationships. Count me in on the membership committee.

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Ben Rosenzweig
over 16 years ago
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