How well do you pay attention to what goes on in your world?


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What is your AQ?

Many of us can discuss our IQ at length. We know the score, we
understand what it measures and we may even remember the test we took.

Some of us are familiar with the the concept of EQ. Our emotional
quotient or emotional intelligence. This concept basically discusses
our ability to monitor one's own and others' feelings and emotions, to
discriminate among them and to use this information to guide one's
thinking and actions.

This is all well and good, but I want to know about your AQ. What is
your Awareness Quotient?

Are you aware of your surroundings?
Do you notice even a small amount of the plethora of things that go
around you at any given moment?
Can you dial yourself into the opportunities and signs that present
themselves to you all day long?

Raising your awareness is shockingly easy to do, yet very few people
practice this. It is a matter of making a conscious and concerted
effort to do so. Be in tune with the flow of your life. Realize that
your actions can and do have an impact on those around you. Just like
the actions of others have an impact on you.

Practice being in the moment in which you are.

If you are engaged in a conversation, be engaged. Listen. Listen
both intently and actively. Don't worry about what you will say next.
If you are paying attention to what the other person is saying, the
words you need will come to you without much effort on your part.

If you are playing with your child, play like your child does. Your
appreciation of the time will be far greater as will your interaction.
It's ok to have fun. Everybody is doing it.

Should you find yourself in nature, take some time to get really quiet
and listen to the sounds of it. How many birds can you hear chirping?
Do you hear crickets or other insects? Is there water moving nearby?
How far off is that semi rolling down the road (special note, if it
is coming right for you, you will need to get out of the way and
realize you really aren't in nature at the moment).

If you are writing, let the words move from your head to the keyboard.
If you are truly in the moment, they will flow to your fingers as
fast as you can type.

Realize that there are no ordinary moments. There is never nothing
going on. Love the moments you live and you will live the moments you

Be aware!

Terry Bean

-What is your AQ is taken directly from my recently released book, The Universal Guide to Business Networking. 

3 Replies


Well written. Well said. 

In today's world of multitasking, bringing awareness to this challenge is very insightful.

Thanks for the AQ reminder.



What's weird is I can tune into the spiritual synergies and miracles, but ask me the color of the wall paper or the details of the art on the wall and I'm clueless.  What does that mean?  AQ for material world--0 AQ for spiritual world an 8?

I do recognize the daily miracles.  Had about 4 of those today already!!  Now, ahh, what room am I in???  OH!!  That's just a blonde thing.:)

Inspiration and answers can be all around you if you look.  When visiting businesses or any event, I'm always looking at what works and what doesn't, what people like and don't like, and what I like and don't like.  That is all where ideas, answers, and inspiration originates, for me.

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