5 questions you need to answer before jumping in to Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter


With so much conversation regarding social media, I thought it time to discuss it here.


Are you using it?

Are you using it effectively?

Am I making an assumption that you know what Social Media is?

Let me answer the last question first. Social Media is a term that is frequently bounced around these days that effectively means the same as: Web 2.0, Social Networking, Digital Marketing, or just the sites one uses like: Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Flickr, Myspace and Youtube.

Here's what all of these sites have in common: They help you communicate with like-minded individuals. Very simply stated, Social Media is a conversation.

Back to the earlier questions about how you're using it.

Conversations online are just like conversations in the real world, you need to be engaging the right people in the right discussions. Many people setup a facebook or linkedin account and think that's all there is to it. That's the equivalent of showing up to a party and not talking with anyone. Load up your contacts (add friends on facebook and connections on linkedin). Use the status update, not so much to answer "What are you working on?" but as a way to be intriguing or share knowledge. Post links of interest, comment on other people's thoughts and ideas and most importantly, ask questions.

Here are a couple of other thoughts to consider:

Should you be spending time doing this?

Are you participating in the right conversations? Are you talking with customers, vendors, business partners or better yet, all three?

Are you on the right sites to find what you seek?

Are people responding to conversations you start?

If you could only use three sites, which ones would they be?

I shall look forward to your side of the conversation.

9 Replies

I agree with you Terry - That was a bit deeper than I would have gone into but very well explained! I am a big advocate of joining and being active in these sites and groups... but...there are some guidelines that you need to understand as Terry has gone over in that you have to make sure your getting a benefit for the time being put in (business wise).

The big part of this that you must know is that you are automatically gaining some great SEO for you and your business as Henry Joshua could go over in much better detail and this alone is priceless!

The second thing is that you must decifer before, as Terry said - jumping into this - is to ask yourself - Am I here for business or socially.... OR BOTH? I like both personally but that's just me!

The third thing and final thing is - Are you marketing (if you are marketing) to the right side of the deal and or transaction? I personally with my business of Title Insurance market to Realtors and Loan Officers and NOT THE END CONSUMER so that pulls me away from marketing in the social media sites more than it would - let's say... an auto insurance company!

If you need any advice, opinions, or feedback do not hesitate to ask and check out some of the great sites I have joined and do the same... google my name and scroll away. SEO is priceless for the most part!

Thanks, Keith Stonehouse

Thanks for starting the conversation Terry!

I've been selling information technology solutions in the Detroit area for almost 15 years now, and have certainly seen a shift in the way business is conducted.  Business people are increasing difficult to connect with without that existing relationship or referral from someone that has that relationship.  I'm personally interested in social media sites to leverage existing relationships and to develop new ones as well.     LinkedIn is a great site, and I feel using it is time well spent, and am always open to ways to utilize it more effectively.  Joining groups and questioning answers is fun but time consuming.  I'm trying to understand how to better utilize sites like Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, and MySpace.  One question I have is how to promote an upcoming seminar SunTel is hosting at our location in Troy on Oct. 29th.  And, is using these sites more of a function of individual sales reps or perhaps something our marketing group should be focusing on? 

Regarding Terry's questions:

Should you be spending time doing this?  Absolutely.  I find them hard to ignore.

Are you participating in the right conversations? Are you talking with customers, vendors, business partners or better yet, all three?  Yes, all three work best in my opinion, and if you're there you should participate.

Are you on the right sites to find what you seek?  Well, I think linkedin is great for our target market of IT managers, IT Directors, CIO's.  I'm open to hearing if this audience is listening and participating on other sites.

Are people responding to conversations you start?  Yes, I'm always surprized by the variety of responses and feedback, and with the speed that this occurs.

If you could only use three sites, which ones would they be?  Today LinkedIn and Twitter (AndyAtSunTel - that's me) are the two main sites I'm using, and am considering Facebook.  I have a personal myspace page but mainly use this to keep in contact with mainly family.

How are other MCC members utilizing these sites, and what benfits do you feel it brings to you personally and your business?

Should you be spending time doing this? - Yes and No. I know many people who are doing this in lieu of traditional methods. To me, it is always about a mix. I still cold call in my new job 15 or more hours a week.

Are you participating in the right conversations? Are you talking with customers, vendors, business partners or better yet, all three? - I found in my previous position, the wider bandwith allowed greater access to people. In my current postion, the focus on the types of decision makers I need aren't there in the volume for which I am looking. Many requests I've made have fallen on deaf ears.

Are you on the right sites to find what you seek? Again, yes and no. There isn't a collectivex group of many of the people I need. I find restaurant owners, retail owners and higher end service professionals are so busy doing what they need to, this kind of a business forum isn't attracting them.

Are people responding to conversations you start? Yes. There are certain techniques which I've learned to get responses. But generally, I get the feedback I want from a post. If you could only use three sites, which ones would they be? Pulse for its better functionality then LinkedIn, LinkedIn for its wide reach and MCC because it's the best Metro Detroit pulse. Alas, no one ever responds to me on Twitter ... so while I love reading them, this one may be dropped soon.

Should you be spending time doing this?  Absolutely - as long as the time you are investing into it is bringing you reasonable returns. If not, it's all  just distracting "chatter."

Are you participating in the right conversations? Are you talking
with customers, vendors, business partners or better yet, all three?  I am, and I am also being very careful to keep my online conversations short - I would much rather engage on the phone or in person if the situation warrants it.

Are you on the right sites to find what you seek?  LinkedIn is the most productive for me. I recently answered a question totally unrelated to my profession. The person who asked the question liked my response and started an email exchange. Turns out she is the Marketing Director at a company I've been interested in contacting. Small world... smart way to play it.

Are people responding to conversations you start? Most of the time, yes - but I'm careful to keep my conversations/questions relevant. I don't have time (or interest) in frivolous stuff that takes me away from my focus. I'm easily distracted, and generally stay away from the "social" stuff during the day - otherwise, I find it way to challenging to get back into focus.

If you could only use three sites, which ones would they be?  Motor City Connect, LinkedIn, and Pulse. Twitter makes me crazy.



Terry -I think these are great questions to ask yourself about Social Media.  I would like to add a few additional thoughts I have found to be important when looking at Social Media Tools.

1.  Who is your target market and where do they hang out in the social media space?  Your target market can be potential friends, referral partners and clients.  You decide.

2.  Do you have a social media strategy? How will all of these tools create results for you?  What results do you want to achieve?  First determine which outcomes you would like to see and measure and then pick the best social media tools to do that with, the ones that make you crazy may be the better use of your time. 

3.  All of these social media tools should be working together.  That doesn't mean in isolated silos.  This means comprehensive and integrated.  How do they feed each other.  Do you have a website that they all filter to that converts to leads/sales?  Think about how to market your personal brand across the board.

4.  Participation is key and that usually means time.  If you build it they won't necessarily come.  You must get out there and tell people about your social media presence on forums, other people's blogs and in person.  Be sure to listen, to contribute and to create.

Social Media can be fun, you can learn a lot, and get lots of business if you put some thought into the different tools you choose.  Happy connecting. ;-)

Does any of the above allow you to contribute to your "goals?" That is always what I ask my customers. If they are aware and understand what their time investment is, and have clear goals then they can measure what outcome they are getting in return.

I'm surprised to hear that no one really spoke of analytics in this discussion?

Social Media, "New Media" as an overused term is good as long as you have a goal in mind to achieve, and continously work towards it.

In my experience, many of my customers don't understand the value, nor want to invest in social media advertising and marketing.


Some of my thoughts..

If marketing and advertising, is a part of business plan  and growth is a "goal", which I am sure all business will - Electronic/Internet marketing is definitely gaining a bigger percentage.

Seems like you like metrics like me : Here are some numbers about internet marketing

"The IDC Digital Marketplace Model and Forecast shows total worldwide Internet advertising to be $65.2 billion in 2008, growing to $106.6 billion in 2011."

This discussion is talking about social media networks, if you mean "Google Analytics" as analytics, my guess is it does not fit in this discussion. Google Analytics is definitely a super productive tool that I provide for FREE for my clients withe every Web design.  (Thank you for bringing up the term )

If your "analytics" mean ROI looks like Linda, Terry have all touched base on that.Its about how much time you put in in to gain/acheive what ?

Few reasons(not limited to) why people use social media - Get projects, branding, networking, find business partners.. I think for all these reasons the right social network is definitely worth it !

I have selected social networks that I participate, that are specific for me and for my clients for who I manage their Marketing strategy I select and concentrate social medoa that is productive for their field.


Henry Joshua
Creative . Compelling . Cutting Edge

Hi Dwight -

I agree with you about analyzing your social media efforts...and I did mention that in my post earlier.  I think there should be a strategy with your outcomes clearly defined and then measured. 

As with many marketing tools - measuring is very subjective to your own goals.

I totally understand Dwight's statement about many people not seeing the value or wanting to invest. The LinkedIn training Terry, Beverly and Dave have so brilliantly given helped me to understand the value of that venue. The others, I'm not so convinced is appropriate for me and my business. The only way to know that is, as Beverly states, to have a strategy with clear outcomes, and then test it out for a while. 


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