I'm asking for your help, the art of persuasion, events


I just sent this blast:

Join me for a rally?

I've sent well over 500 messages to the members of Motor City Connect. This one will have the most blatant request for help that I've ever sent. Why, because with all due respect, my belief in this cause is greater than my concern for how you perceive it.

I have a good friend who is being persecuted for following the law. This bothers me as his friend and it angers me as a citizen of Michigan. 

In 2008, we the people voted to make medical marijuana legal and setup laws to support registered patients to connect with registered caregivers. My friend is a registered caregiver who has been arrested 3 times in the past 18 months for FOLLOWING THE LAW. I don't believe he or anyone who is helping others LEGALLY should be persecuted.

As such, I have created the country's first Smoke-Free Weedup. The goal is to get people to take action and support the laws we have voted in. Please take a moment and read the Weedup Press Release here and if you know folks who are patients, caregivers or fans of justice, have them like the Facebook page here.

The Art of Persuasion-

It's interesting that Persuasion was chosen as the topic for Tuesday's MCC Live meeting a week before the #weedup rally entered my consciousness.

For those of us with responsibilities for business development, being persuasive is one of our greatest allies. While you can't make decisions for most adults, you can influence them to make the decision you want them to. I just checked dictionary.com and they use words like "induce", "advise" "urge" and "convince" as they pertain to getting another to change their belief.

We are going to discuss in great detail the HOW TO be persuasive at our lunch. In the meantime, I offer you this:

They won't believe it until you do. Persuasion has little to do with manipulation. People can sense when they are being manipulated. The moment they feel that, they are turned off. Use positive persuasion and watch the world open up around you.

I'm wondering how persuasive I was with my story on the #weedup?? I guess I will know soon enough.

A great piece on Detroit

Friend and uber supporter of all things Michigan, Lisa Diggs, shared this great post entitled "Should we bring Detroit back" today. Take a look when you have a moment. Please also take a moment and sign the Buy Michigan Now pledge.

Upcoming events:

Tuesday, Feb 28 MCC Live Royal Oak- We will be discussing Listening AND Persuasion. We meet from 11:30-1:00 at The Oxford Inn

Monday, March 5 MCC+ meeting- A workshop on creating the perfect ASK. Free for MCC+ members $20 for non-members it runs from 9-10:30 at MCC HQ 

Tuesday, March 13 MCC Live West Side- We will be talking about "How to effectively work a room during a networking meeting". If you've ever been to an event, and been disappointed by the results, you will LOVE this meeting!!

We look forward to seeing you really soon.

And please do check out my request to rally. What is happening to these people is not right and we CAN do something about it.

Be connected-

Terry Bean


5 Replies


Is your friend being persecuted or prosecuted?




He and many caregivers are being persecuted. He is currently being prosecuted as well.

Thanks for seeking clarification.



Proud of you for supporting your friend and what is legally right!


Bring Detroit back!


Thanks Donna. I hope all is well in your world!!



I've worked with clients and have written about medical marijuana use in the context of the employment relationship. One frustrating aspect about the overt war on legitimate medical marijuana use is that it distracts from the more serious issue of prescription medication abuse and addiction. Have you spoken with attorney Matt Abel? He is spearheading amending the Michigan Constitution to effectuate (again) the will of Michigan voters to allow for the use of medical marijuana.

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