Discussion about "Stadium Trophy in the news!"


Stadium Trophy in the news!

You deserve to be in the news Jason for all that you and your shop does for the community! Thanks again for all the great trophies and plaques for The Boys and Girls Clubs Basketball baquet. Looking forward to seeing you at the Steak and Burger Dinner VIP!


2 Replies

Thanks Keith! I'm glad we could help. Send me the date for the dinner and I look forward to attending. I'm sure we can help bring smiles to the kids' faces again in the future!

Regarding a different matter, I may need help. I hired a good friend who developed the original Networked, Inc. website for Terry and I to develop a website for my awards store. 14 months later and 10K later I still don't have an active website. We have been building off of Zen Cart and are very near completion but we have been so for 8 months. I am frustrated and need my site live soon. My coordinator has farmed out the backend work to a company in India which basically stole 5K from me. He has hired a guy out of Germany who is trying to clean it up but it still isn't right and doesn't look like it will be for some time. The site doesn't look the same in Firefox and IE. It is involved but most of the work has been done. Can anyone offer me assistance, a quote, a realistic timeframe and a workable site? Thank you.

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