A great deal on Health Insurance from MCC to you


The idea of sharing great services with MCC members has been on the proverbial "to do" list for quite some time. The challenge is actually finding those services that are truly worth sharing. I believe this one from Brook Dukes actually is. 

In addition to having known Brook for 4+ years I am a coverage holder. I recently had to use the health insurance product she recommended and was delighted when I saw my bill (mostly cuz I was scared to death of what it could be while sitting in urgent care).

Here is what the Health Insurance Policy Brook has offers:
* No Deductible or Co-Insurance
* Dental brochure attached
* First dollar benefits for everyday needs, like doctors' office visits, prescriptions, preventive care and immunizations - services you'll actually use.
* Keep your own doctor, choose individual or family coverage and take advantage of additional coverage options.
* Dedicated Service Team
* Help you understand your plan, compare prices on healthcare providers
* Help negotiate outstanding medical bills
* Discounts
* Up to 40% off Hospital bills
* 30-40% off prescriptions
* Up to 60% off outpatient lab services
* Vision, Chiropractic, alternative health & wellness, vitamins...
* Walgreens Take Care Clinic - $65 visit includes labs!

Watch this 5 minute video to learn more (you can click that link or cut and paste the one below into your browser)

Oh and btw I am paying less than $120.00 per month!!!

Here are a few ways to contact Brook. Tell her MCC sent you.

Brooke Dukes

office: 248-942-4992
direct: 248-762-6101
Fax: 248-778-1791
Public Site: www.thetitanteam.com
Quote Site: www.brookemdukes.com
Agent site: www.thetitanteam.net


1 Reply

Thank you for the vote of confidence Terry. It has always been a pleasure working with you.

Below are some examples of rates.

  • 18-35 year old $75 per month

  • 35-40 year old $80 per month

  • 45-50 year old $100 per month

  • 55-60 year old $150 per month

You can go to www.brookemdukes.com to run your own specific quote today!!

Please call my direct line with any quesitons 248-762-6101

Make it a great day,

Brooke Dukes



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