The movie, "Waiting for Superman" our educational crisis


If you haven't seen the movie, go see it.  Our country is in serious trouble and especially Detroit.  WE are the ones who will make the difference, we all have to rally and start helping our next generation learn.  WE need to give them the skills, knowledge, slef-awareness and wisdom to succeed.  There are discussion groups through United Way popping up all over SE Michigan.  When it comes out in DVD, there will be even more.  If anyone is interested in coming up with SOLUTIONS, please join the discussion and let me know your thoughts.  It's a complex issue.

Anyone else love our kids?  It's not about the dysfunctional adult administrators, it's GOT to be about the kids!


20 Replies

I agree Waiting For Superman is a must see movie. In addition, the book "Whatever It Takes" by Paul Tough is a must read book. The book discusses Geoffrey Canada's program in Harlem that works.

I've been particularly interested in the early childhood development programs that focus on at risk children. Studies show you must reach at risk children at an early age (like 3 years old) so they don't fall behind in their cognitive abilities. Once the cognitive development age is over, there is no going back. In other words, if a child is disadvantage during the cognitive ability stage, they are likely to be disadvantaged for the rest of their life no matter what you do with the educational system.

I encourage all of you to see the movie & read the book. We must be the change we wish to see in the world.

Hi Catherine!


GREAT response!  I love that you're interested in early intervention.  It's so important, but not essential for success.  I must add that once a child (even a teenager) learns how they learn and becomes more "self-aware"-- AMAZING miracles happen.  It's NEVER too late for the kids, as long as they have at least ONE person believing in them.  When you mix unconditional love, self-awareness and the right tools and techniques, miracles happen--I guarantee it.  I've seen it over and over for 20 years. 

Would you like to join one of the discussion groups live once the DVD comes out?

I may be interested, let me know.

Early Intervention programs are the answer to the achievement gap. What happens is students miss pieces of reading or math and it never gets filled in. It could be because they were absent, daydreaming, or just did not understand. The gap is not filled in later.

My company became the Michigan representative for Alliance Learning earlier this year. It has been amazing to learn the causes of the gap and to learn it crosses all cultural categories.

If you would like, take a free assessment and see how well you learned math or reading skills. Just click here:

Rick!  So great you are involved!  They are missing so much.  Have you seen the movie?

I never herd of this movie Waiting For Superman is it out at the shows or is it for sale? I will have to check it out!

There are many issues to be addressed that can help.  There is no question that early childhood programs work.  Today there are student tutoring programs that any of us can participate in and be that one person in the kid's life that cares enough to participate.  As President of the Troy Rotary Club, we are partnering with the Detroit Rotary Club to be tutors for adults in Detroit.  There are an estimated 300,000+ adults in Detroit that can not read to a 6th grade level.  This program is going to attempt to reach 100,000 plus adults over the next 3 year so that they have the ability to assist their kids with homework, so that they are not embarrassed to admit to their kids they can not read, and enable them to encourage their kids to get and value education.  Educators know that kids do typically do not perform when there is no support at home. This program is not just a feel good program but rather involves considerable training and measurement to evaluate effectiveness. We can use all the help we can get.

Deborah, It's at AMC in Livonia and it was in Royal Oak--not sure if it's still there.  It should be out on DVD early next year.  GREAT time to open up discussions in your local neighborhoods on what we can ALL do--no matter how great or how small. 

William, the Rotaries are AMAZING!  They do such powerful behind the scenes work. That's a definite area of HUGE need!

This discussion is so good, because people can help in whatever way FEELS right to them.  The need is SO great on SO many levels, that if we all do a small part we may just help transform our Detroit schools someday.:)  OK, along with a lot of prayer too!!;)

thanks Kim I will check it out and see if its still showing or I will have to wait till it comes out on DVD

Here's the news link to my earlier post....


I look forward to seeing Superman. I hope it also addreses "bullying". I guess my earlier post never got posted. Graeme Taylor is a good friend of my daughters at Ann Arbor Pioneer high where they are both freshmen. He came to the defense of a teacher in Howell, Jay McDowell, who he had never met before. Mr McDowell had aksed a student who was espousing anti gay rhetoric to leave his class and then Mr. McDowell was suspended. Graeme went in front of the Howell school board to defend the teacher and now this has become a national story. His speech is quite amazing and his courage, even more so. He will appear on the Ellen Degeneres show on Monday.

Jay and Graeme are both heroes in my book.  It takes a true hero to stand up for what is right NO MATTER WHAT!  Thanks for sharing that post Rick. is the ultimate anti-bullying.  They were on Oprah twice and had an MTV series.  Changing lives one school at a time. 

I'm doing a pilot study in Detroit in January and we are trying to change even one child at a time.:)  We all do what we can.

Have an amazing day!


I agree with you Kim and Rick I am so aganist bulling I blame the parents on that.. I have 2 kids and I taught them to never never from little on to be nice to kids have graduated now but when they were in school any kid that was picked on for what ever reson my kids made them there friends my kids have feelings and lots of love I think thats whats missing parents must not be showing enough love to there kids.

Kim - I'm very aware of Challenge Day. Great program! I'm also a Cornerstone School partner and their mantra is exactly what you said "Changing Detroit, one child at a time". If we had more parents like Deborah, we would not even have to be talking about this in my opinion because there would be no issue to talk about. My daughter is so proud of Graeme and was practically in tears when she saw his speech.  Set your Tevo and watch Ellen on Monday. I think it will be a very good show.  

YES!!  It is ALL about the LOVE Deborah!  That is the key.  If kids are taught to love and be tolerant, we wouldn't have bullying, but the issue in education isn't focused on bullying THIS time, it focused on the problems of not being able to get rid of teachers who are ABUSING our children and are reading comic books etc. in front of a classroom and NEVER teaching.  It's a HUGE issue.  The movie breaks my heart, but I've been seeing it for 20 years, so it's not new to me.  Once you see the movie, I'd LOVE to chat about it!

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