The secret to lasting relationships...
"Pick up the mirror instead of the magnifying glass."
from my friends Cristina Diaz & Deb Schanilec
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Yes, long term relationships become the vehicle to really seeing ourselves. Long term relationships are the greatest gifts for growth. Sometimes not so fun, always enlightening if we choice to look at them that way.
Well said, Catherine. My husband and I will be celebrating our 23 wedding anniversary this month. You are right about how one looks at the journey. It has been a challenge with the bad economy and all that goes with it, but it's the rough seas during the storm that will allow for growth and maturity. It's so easy to jump ship when the going gets tough.
Some days are definitely brighter than others! Congrats on 23 years of marriage. We've been married for 29. It's not easy and it's definitely a blessing. How's your business grocery shopping business going? Let me know if you ever attend a MCC networking meeting as I'm willing to drive to your side of town.
Grocery delivery is going OK, but I need to ramp it up a bit. I'm going back to MCC which I've kind of neglected. I NEED to attend another MCC networking meeting. I'll let you know when I'm going.