2009 Resume Building Event!


Just got back fresh from the Goal Building Event at Automotive Alley this morning. I thought about some goals and things to improve on; as well as some things that other people goals that people would like to work on. Putting myself in the shoes of some of my friends and collegues who are millenials as well.

A core issue facing Millenials that are just growing and moving into the workforce would be trying to build a successful resume.

I'm no expert but I'd like to see if anyone would be interested in doing an event around this. I'm pretty confident with my resume and feel like it's pretty strong.


What do some people think about this? Would you be interested in an event if we rounded up some solid authoritative speakers?

17 Replies

I would be interested.

I just attended a two day course through Lee Hect Harrison and learned a great deal about creating a resume and interviewing. So much has changed in recent years.

@joe what do you feel was most important or a significant impact from your seminar.

Hi Chris. I feel the overall process to create the resume itself was the most important. It is about defining yourself and your skills/competencies. The entire exercise is eye opening and the end result is the document that is your resume.

Also, the interview training was priceless for me, I am coming off 17 years with the same company.

Hi Chris and Joe,

I'm glad you brought up this topic.  I consistently tell candidates that your resume is your calling card. And how it's presented is extremely important.

Reading a resume is like reading a book, if the first chapter doesn't grab you then you will usually put it aside.  The same goes with resumes. Your resume is your marketing tool, it's your Ad. Research has proven that only one interview is granted for every 250 resumes received by the average employer. Research also tells us that your resume will be quickly scanned, rather than read. Ten to 20 seconds is all the time you have to persuade a prospective employer to read further.

What this means is that the decision to interview a candidate is usually based on an overall first impression of the resume, a nicely presented resume impresses the reader and may convince them of the candidate's qualifications.

You just missed the resume revision special I had at www.mosaicblueprint.com however, here's a few tips that may help:

1. Keep font style and size consistent.
2. Besides using Spell Check, have a friend (that has grammar skills), check it for you.
3. Take off the "Objective" section and start with a great summary that not only gives us a snapshot of your qualifications, but also of your personality.
4. Make a short list of items that you feel your an expert in.
5. A short list of Key Accomplishments (if you can't think of any then think about how you may have collaborative with someone else or a team to streamline a process, etc.)
6. Work History
7. Education
8. Professional Affiliations (Board, Commissions, etc.)
9. Community Work

And don't cheat yourself.  If you've worked for over 20 years and in different industries, etc., don't feel forced to fit it all on one or two pages.  I specialize in Executive Search placements so it's not uncommon for me to view a three or four page resume as long as the content is qualitative.

Hope this helps and it's too bad I'm not local because I'd love to conduct a seminar for the group - I know you have some great talent there that could do an outstanding job though.

All the best,

Deena Pierott
Mosaic Blueprint

Follow me on Twitter http://twitter.com/mosaicdiva



Get in touch with MCC Member Kris Plantrich, certified Resume Writer and Interview Coach - she may be willing to do an educational session.

Phone: 248.627.2624
Website: http://www.resumewonders.com
Address: Ortonville, MI 48462

Happy New Year!

I would be interested in attending as well. I can always sharpen my resume skills.

This is a great idea Chris and I am sure there will be a ton of people on board with the current state of affairs. I see resumes come across my desk all the time that could definately use some sharpening.



Keith Stonehouse.com - Franklin Title Agency

Wow. I was surprised by the such a enthusiastic response. I'm talking to a Coffee shop owner and seeing if we can borrow their space on monday. I'll probably announce a date then.

I've also found a millienial to spearhead our workshop. Stay tuned. Please continue to stay tuned to this thread.

RSVP so i have an idea how many are interested. I will start a Facebook group once i know a date.

Your favorite millenial,

Chris Lee

I'm interested.

I would be interested too.

Well, well, well! What a timely topic!! One of my clients, another certified resume writer in the Novi area (with over 20 years' experience), is putting together this exact workshop right now to occur in January. I'll let everyone know the details once they're finalized, but if you have questions, feel free to contact me directly.

Since this has come up, let me ask you this -

* For the time of this workshop, is day or evening better? We haven't nailed down details yet, so we're a bit flexible.

* What are your specific concerns that can be addressed?

* We want to make this accessible for anyone that wants to come, so your input is welcome at this point.

Like I mentioned, feel free to contact me directly with questions or to sign up for this.


It's great to see so much interest for the topic of resume writing! I am a Certified Professional Resume Writer and over the past 18 years have helped thousands of people like yourself develop resumes that have gotten them interviews for the type of job they want. As one of you noted, resumes have changed dramatically over the past 10 - 15 years, and now more than ever it's important that your resume reflect the value you bring to a job.

My goal this year is to guide as many of you as I can to rewarding employment by providing you with valuable advice and marketing materials so that you will land a position that is a good fit and you will get paid what your worth. In addition, it's important to me to see that you have the knowledge and tools to make your job transition an easy and pleasant experience.

When you have a "10" resume, you will have one:

.... that is far superior to 99% of your competition

....you will know the specific value you bring to the table, so you can share that value with prospective employers, in how you can meet their specific needs

....receive calls to interview for the types of job you really deserve

....you will often receive higher compensation in your new position, so that you know you're getting paid what you're worth

I will have all the details of giving a resume workshop pulled together within the next week and will pass that information on to you. I would love to see all of you at the workshop. Let's work together to have 2009 be the year to have your career shine.

PS:  I'll be glad to cover interviewing techniques too.


I'm all about the idea. Lord knows I need all the help I can get. I'm beyond starting to think there's something wrong with me in the résumé department.

Kris Plantrich is in my Toastmasters group. I have no résumé experience with her but she's a nice lady. :)

Chris - I have a friend and personal life coach Therese Marie Boldt that you need to talk to about this.  She is on every Monday morning on Channel 2 between 8 and 8:30 as the Career Coach.  She has been talking about how to get a job in a crummy econony.  Also she puts on local seminars (one is coming up Jan 8th I believe).  Go to her web site at www.meettherese.com.  She also was a recruiter for 20 years before she became a life coach.  I believe she can be a huge tool in your reaching your goals!



@mary Yeah i'd like to connect with her. I already have a recruiter helping me with this event but i'm looking for speakers.

@everyone I already have a millenial recruiter possibly helping this event. I don't want to be seen as sleeping in everyone elses bed. So i'll talk to him and and see if he's welcome with having other people add to this possible workshop.

I'd like to keep this workshop small (20-30) so everyone can get enough attention and help.

I'm open to having people speak at this event. If you have a lecture or topic you'd like to discuss. Please shoot me a pm or email me on what you'd like to discuss.


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