Upcoming Events, MCC's first Sponsor and WHAT's Your Favorite holiday tradition?


Good day connectors-

I don't know about the rest of you, but I love Michigan in the winter. The snow looks so great and especially on a day like today when the sun hits it just right...man it's one of my favorite things in the world. I like snow so much that I even enjoy shoeveling (anyone else?)

One last mention for Menachem's event tomorrow, HELP SANTA HELP KIDS at Leon and Lulu in Clawson

Here's a quick snapshot of MCCs events for next week (click the colored link, I think it's orange ;-)

BRIGHTON- MCC Live- Monday, December 15 from 11-1

EAST SIDE- MCC Social at Dave and Busters, Monday December 15 from 5-9

Auburn Hills- Learn the basics of Networking, Tuesday December 16 from 10-11

Southfield- Sorry Southfield, due to Merryweather's busy schedule no meeting

Auburn Hills- MCC Live- Tuesday December 16 from 11-1

Troy Breakfast- MCC Live Early- Thursday December 18 from 7:30-9:00 a.m.

Troy- MCC Live- Thursday December 18 from 11-1

Here is the MCC calendar for the month of December

Here are the other events going on in December

MCC Welcomes our first sponsor, THE DESIGNATE- www.thedesignate.com

Although holiday parties may be a thing of the past, people will still be out and about celebrating with good cheer (cheer = booze). Nobody wants to be a fun sponge and tell someone else they can't enjoy themselves and have to stop drinking. Worse than that would be to not stop (or not help someone else stop for that matter) and then drive home. Many of us know what a pain it is to go back and get our car the next day so what can we do?

Call 888.929.8282 and let The Designate change your evening. Have fun. Enjoy yourself. Don't worry about safety or how you will get your car home. The Designate will discretely come to where you are, call you on your cell phone and take you and your car home. Now that is piece of mind.  You will be hearing more about this great service soon.

What's your favorite holiday tradition?

If my 6 year old daughter were answering, she would tell you "opening presents". But I am curious what do you and your family do that makes it special? I remember as a child being able to open one gift on Christmas eve and then having a bit of a bonanza on Christmas day. Guess what my child does...yes. same thing.

I know there are members here who don't celebrate Christmas at all. I am very interested in learning about your traditions as well. Please hop on the board and share your favorites.

Tis the most wonderful time of the year indeed.

We are grateful for you and I hope you are grateful for one another.

Be Blessed and Be Connected-

Terry Bean

MCC Founder

4 Replies

Congrats on having the first MCC sponsor. I've used The Designate on a couple of different occasions and they have always been a top notch company. Their staff was on time, friendly, professional and generally everything you'd want from a company to do business with.

The best holiday tradition is the giant family dinner on Christmas eve. It was also a tradition in my family to get to open one present on Christmas eve and I remember staring at the tree all through the dinner wondering which one I'd get to open and thinking that dinner took WAY too long. Now it seems to fly by funny how a couple years changes perspective.

Happy Holidays to All,


Its funny .. As much as we all complain about the winters here. They are beautifull. I always think that I will move to a warm climate with hurricanes, wild fires, mud slides, earthquakes.. but yep here I stay  HMM  wonder why ..

One of my fondest childhood memories is of my dad cooking Christmas breakfast, which was always a feast! We'd open stocking gifts first thing, then have breakfast, then opened the rest of the gifts.

One of my strongest Christmas memories was when I had just turned five. My sister, who was 8, woke up early, hit the living room, and opened all MY presents. Then she woke me up and told me everything that was under the tree for me. So I have a personal ritual: embarrassing her with the public recitation of that story every year! (You'd think by now I'd be over it.)

I agree with you Alan - there is something beautiful and almost magical about winter in Michigan.



Sponsorship... congrats!

Just be careful with the shoveling, Terry.  I enjoy it too (I love free workouts! There's something about good, honest manual labor that one craves after years of working on computers...), but I learned from the American Heart Association that snow shoveling is one of the most grueling things you can do to your body.  Consider it akin to doing hundreds of repetitions of free weights, without regular sets or breaks, in the freezing cold where your body's already working just to regulate its temperature.  Puts great stress on the heart and lungs.  Hence the frequency of heart attacks during snow shoveling.

So take plenty of breaks when you shovel... we wouldn't want to lose you!

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