We all need to be better networkers. Can you help?


Sometimes I struggle with what I can do to make a positive impact for us all in this economy.

It dawned on me that we all need greater access to information that will help us grow not only our business, but the businesses of those who are close to us. To that end, I have developed a series of networking classes.

I just posted this on the calendar (the first class is tomorrow) and I want many of us to take advantage of it.


You owe it to yourself AND to your network to be the best networker you can possibly be.

We have all heard that it's not what you know, it's who you know, right? BARNACLES, it's all about how you're known. This brief, impactful training will teach you how to become an individual to whom people want to refer more business.

What you will learn:

* You will learn why networking works.
* Which Online sites are worth your time (in addition to motorcityconnect)
* How to identify your ideal referral partners
* The components of a solid ask

Who should attend:

* Those who are frustrated with their results from their current networking
* Those who are uncomfortable networking, but know they need to do it more
* Those people who have a new position and want to increase their pipeline
* Those making their first appearance at a MCC event

The better we all get at networking, the better all of our networking will be.

Cost is $20.00, payable at the end of the meeting. If you don't feel that the information provided was worth $20.00, DON'T PAY. That's my "satisfaction guaranteed" pledge to you.


I hope you will consider sharing this with the people you know who need this information (here's a hint, if you don't know anyone who does, it's you).

Thanks for doing your part.



17 Replies

I couldn't agree with your assessment more, Terry, and will pass this along to my sales team and contacts.

Do you have any plans for an early morning or after hours presentation of this course?  High value!

"it's all about how you're known. This brief, impactful training will teach you how to become an individual to whom people want to refer more business."

Count me in as my schedule permits.

Dave Glenn


Thanks Dave.

The intermediate ones will be earlier or later in the day. The initial thought is to catch people right before they go to a MCC Live event. All the trainings posted (thusfar) have that in common.

The advanced training is custom and will be one on one so that can be scheduled anytime.

Sadly for you, I don't have the "super, out of this world, best networker ever" course developed yet. I can still help your staff ;-)


I am one of the people that Terry trained in networking. Let's call me his "Networking Frankenstein". $20 is nothing for sitting in on such a class, I predict that in coming years people will be paying a lot more than that for some time with our very own Terry. Take advantage while you still can of this wonderful opportunity.

Good luck to all you networking soldiers, together we are making this city a better place to be.

Ben Rosenzweig

Dr. Bean, ALL of your courses are "super, out of this world, best network ever"... You're the one that teaches them, after all.


I speak with a lot of "newer" people attending MCC events and many have questions about networking that Terry will be addressing in this training.  I also run into a lot of people at other networking events that could use the information Terry will be talking about.

I will be referring them now to these training sessions as Terry is much better than I at networking and attendees will get much more out of it with him sharing his secrets.

Well I am going to be there.  I have never been to a MCC event and I think being a better networker is a good thing in this economy.  It is rough looking for an entry level career and being just a number in a job bank.

Terry, this is great.  I fas as I've been able to see, there's nobody out there who's training and supporting people with networking basics the way you are - and it's really, really needed!  You are a great resource for everyone in MCC, and beyond.  I highly encourage anyone who's fairly new to networking to attend one of Terry's trainings.

Question - were you also talking about an intermediate networking workshop?  Perhaps as you get closer to actually putting it on, please tell us what that will entail - I'm really interested, and I bet many more people are, as well. 

In the meantime, everyone, go to this workshop!  Invite people you know to go to this workshop!  It will definitely be worth your/their time and investment.  You have nothing to lose but more business!

You make a great point Natalie.  "everyone, go to this workshop! Invite people you know to go to this workshop! It will definitely be worth your/their time and investment. You have nothing to lose but more business!"

DO invite people you know.  This is one of the most valuable principles of networking - helping others achieve THEIR goals.

One of my Terry favorites, "I am far more interested in you than I will ever be in me."

I consider myself a pretty good networker, yet every time I attend a session facilitated by Terry Bean - whether it's about MCC LinkedIn, or something else - I learn. $20 is a pittance compared to the wealth of knowledge you will gain in that hour.


Thanks for putting these together, Terry!

There is a real hunger for information on how to network. The economy means people have to cut their marketing costs, and networking is one of the least expensive ways to reach an audience.

And the benefits... the benefits of networking are too numerous and varied to mention here. Ask anyone who's been in MCC for any length of time and you'll get a different story of how networking helps them grow their business, find new vendors, get their kids into good schools, and so on and so on and so on.

If you're new to the game, or want to brush up on your skills, get to Terry's event.


The topic and the sections you are touching in your course cannot be any more effective.. its all what is needed ABSOLUTELY right now ! .

A lot of times people either don't know the power of networking or want to but don't know how to do it both Online and in person.

I will have most of my team , even if they are in design and tech area attend these classess.

I can already tell that this is not going to be a one time thing... It is going to be so effective that will have to re-do this several time for more people.



Except next time put it on the calender for 10a not 9a!!!! I could have used the extra hour of sleep!!! :)

Henry touched on something really important - yes, you show up at the networking event, but how effective is what you do? 

It's so easy to see what's not working about someone else.  But how about you?  Have you gotten into some bad networking habits?  Are your 15-second introduction and ask as laser-sharp as they could be?  Who are you being as you're talking with people? 

If you can answer either Yes or Welll... to any of these, you should probably get yourself to one of Terry's trainings!  Because money is too tight for all of us these days to throw $20 or so away at another networking event where you aren't being as effective as you could be.  (And yes, I'm saying this to myself as well... Smile)

We've got a master of networking in our midst.  Let's all make use of the incredible resource we have in our own backyard.

We need to help each other out during this hard time.  People need to get out there and network more and stopping complain and start working.  I have people complained business is slow.  They are waiting for other people to hand them more business and never thought of going out there to network and look for business.  Sometime I get very upset at people just waiting around for hand out.  Spending a few dollars to join networking group is well worth the investment.  Terry Bean is a great guy to meet and listen to. 


Is not what you know, Is who you know!

I need to speak with a sales rep or manfacturer rep to understand the mechanics of possbily setting up that kind of relationship in my business.  thank you

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