Low Cost Networking


I am the Social Networking Editor for the The National Networker. It is a great publication that shares tons of insight and ideas on networking. I found this article of particular interest and have re-printed most of it here with their permission. Hit the hot link above to get to the site if you want to see the rest of the list.

FACT #1: We are living in tougher, more challenging economic times. Corporations are cutting costs, cutting prices; if it can be cut, it's being cut.

FACT #2: It is common knowledge that in today's world of higher unemployment and tougher, leaner times that NETWORKING IS KEY TO SURVIVAL.

What I find amusing is when I hear of people reacting to these facts in such away that actually causes them to veer away from doing more networking. This is self-destructive.

It is understood that these financially depressing times can weigh heavily upon us all. But doesn't it feel good to know that there are others who understand and can relate? How would you know if you don't get out and network?

I understand that we might need to curtail, our social time a bit, but stopping it completely is our biggest danger and can lead to even darker times for us.

That being said, here are 10 low-cost networking suggestions:

1.) Do more online networking - you can do it anytime and there is no shortage of opportunities to connect.

2.) Volunteer your time to help others in need - no matter how bad you think you have it, somebody's got it worse. This is a great way to make a difference, make friends and feel better about yourself.

3.) Go to a park - as a father, nothing's more fun that spending an hour or so at the park where the kids can make friends and you can too.


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