Status updates are simply the fastest, easiest way to let your network know
what's going on. The challenge is, so many of us are posting things that neither
serve us or our network!
Think about it, does anyone really care if you're "sitting on the patio"?. Of
course they don't. That is a line from a Verizon ad that exemplifies how useless
Twitter can be, especially when used incorrectly. I would contend it's Twitter's
own fault as they ask the wrong question: "what are you doing?"
If that's the wrong question, what are the right questions? While I'm not
entirely sure there is one right question, I will submit that if you think about
answering any of the following, you will serve yourself and your network better:
What value do you have to offer your network now?
What information can you share that your network needs?
What interesting links, quotes, or ideas would you like to share?
How can the project you are working on be a potential solution for others?
What is it that you love most about what you're doing?
What type of people may benefit from what you're doing now?
Can you make us laugh?
Can you make us think?
What exciting news happened in your day or with your business that you would
like to share?
These are just questions that I ripped off the top of my head. You can see that
they are value focused. That value should be for others and a little bit for
you, too.
One last caveat about status updates. While going negative may yield some
responses, think about the types you're getting. Hopefully before you set out on
your social media campaign you decided what you wanted to get from it. On that
list should be the types of responses you want. It has been my experience that
negative attracts negative. I will leave it to you to decide when you have had
enough of that in your life.
Connectedly yours-
Terry Bean