Leave worry in the past and have no regrets in your future.

Worry and regret are emotions that many of us experience frequently. The rub is
that neither of these serve us well.

If we look at worry, we notice that which we worry about has yet to happen. We
are concerning ourselves with some future occurrence or event. Even in the
example of worrying about someone's current health challenges or a surgery, we
are still focused on an outcome. All the worrying you can muster can not change that outcome.

In similar fashion, regret has us concerned with something that has already
occurred. We go back in time and look at an experience and feel bad about how it
happened. We can wish that it were different all we want. But we have yet to
figure out how to change the past.

The reality is that we can control the future about as effectively as we can
change the past. All we truly control is how we respond to the events that
happen to us NOW.

Sure we can plan and do our best to "make things happen". But we all know that
sometimes life gets in the way. There really is no such thing as a good or bad
situation. We determine which it will be based on our bias and perception. We
choose to see it as either good or bad.

In every interaction we make the choice. Knowing that to be true, why not look
for the good? Wouldn't that make your nows more enjoyable?

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